I've Missed You Australia

I’ve Missed You Australia

It was so nice to be back in Australia during July! Being previously based in Sydney, many of Green Purse’s clients are in Australia and it's a place I absolutely love! It’s been years since I was last in Australia due to the pandemic days, so this recent visit felt even more special. This trip was for my client, Land to Market, to support their expansion into the Australian market.

Below are some photos showing a visual recap of my recent trip. Some highlights include farm visits — meeting Aussie graziers and farmers that are working to improve environmental health through regenerative agriculture. We also met with companies looking to source materials (like meat, leather, wool, etc) and Land to Market verified regenerative products from the Land to Market member base. In addition to work, I managed to make time for spotting some pretty views and lots of delicious food & drink.

The Australian market continues to be a major focus for myself and Green Purse PR. We work with many of Australia’s leaders in agriculture, red meat, wine and honey. Australia has a lot to offer the world in terms of natural and organic products. I'm keen to help Australian companies be successful in the American market by helping them better understand the market and their consumers. Learn more about our experience with other leading Australian companies (like Meat & Livestock Australia) and research capabilities here and contact me if you're keen to learn more. 

- Lisa Mabe, CEO of Green Purse PR

Curious to know what American women think about products from Australia?

Watch this video Green Purse produced, featuring our shop-along research.