Understanding Consumer Needs this Fall

Serving Up Comfort to Consumers This Fall

Know your audience, through research, to effectively connect with them this autumn amid the pandemic

We base a lot of our consumer marketing on the seasons as each of them bring unique purchase opportunities. The fall or autumn season, plus the Thanksgiving and Halloween holidays, are usually ripe with consumer spending activities for marketers to leverage, but since we’ll still be in a pandemic this fall, marketers will have to think differently about how to connect effectively with their consumers. This starts with first understanding your audience and how their lives will be very different this year. In order to identify just how different, and what the marketing implications are for you, research must be involved.

Conducting Virtual Shopper Research Now

Right now we’re already conducting virtual consumer research ahead of the fall season to try to get an idea of how consumers will behave and buy, whilst staying mostly at home. What we learn from this research will impact everything we do this fall for our PR clients -- what imagery we need to create, what messaging, and how we deliver that message. No doubt, this fall, everything will be about staying comfortable, cozy and well at home.

There’s No Place Like Home

As autumn weather starts to roll in, the days become shorter, and we start spending even more time indoors at home, it’s going to be a hard and perhaps depressing transition for some of your consumers. Here in the USA, we’ve taken quite a beating recently, so by fall, consumers will be ready for some much-needed comfort. Brands can help encourage consumers to embrace concepts like “hygge,” (the Danish term, which basically means coziness,) in order to make their time at home more interesting, special and fun. There really is “no place like home,” so help remind consumers that all this time at home can be delightful. I see a lot of opportunity for home decor, textiles, tableware, cleaning products, food & beverages and supplements, all around the theme of comfort and wellness.

Photo source: cleanandscentsible.com/creating-fall-hygge-our-fall-family-room

Photo source: cleanandscentsible.com/creating-fall-hygge-our-fall-family-room

tea cozy fall comfort food
hygge fall autumn

Serving up ‘Comfort Food’ at Home

Food and drinks are one of the small joys people have been finding in life since the pandemic. Especially now as usual forms of entertainment, like going out to restaurants, sporting events and traveling are basically off the table, food is a way to make our #StayAtHome reality feel special. There will still be plenty of purchasing opportunities for things like: cooking equipment (think slow cookers, instapots, etc.,) table decor, and seasonal or fall-inspired ingredients to help make dining a unique experience to share with those at home, or virtually via their Zoom or FaceTime calls with friends and family.

Photo source: Beef + Lamb New Zealand featuring our client, Atkins Ranch lamb.

Photo source: Beef + Lamb New Zealand featuring our client, Atkins Ranch lamb.

pretty cup special stay at home pandemic lockdown
cozy scotch fall comfort PR food marketing USA

What will your consumers expect of your brand this fall?

How will your brand show consumers how to use your products to embrace comfort at home this fall season? Work with us to conduct virtual shopper research now to get the insights you need to craft the best marketing messaging and imagery to resonate with them this autumn. Learn more about our research below.

Hungry for more insight around how to connect with shoppers during seasons and major holidays? Work with us on a one-on-one consult to brainstorm how to get more of your products into shopping carts this fall. Learn more & contact us here: www.greenpursepr.com/contact.



Since you made it to the bottom of this blog post, here’s a bonus. We’re offering a giveaway for one 45-minute fall marketing planning session! Enter your contact details below in the contact form by July 15, 2020 at 12 midnight Eastern USA time and be entered for a chance to win. We will randomly select one winner by July 16, 2020 and inform them via email. The winner will have three days to respond and schedule their planning session. Giveaway open to CPG, food & beverage and natural products companies located anywhere in the world, but with a focus on the American market.

- Lisa Mabe-Konstantopoulos, Founder, Green Purse PR

cozy nook stay home
Photo source: Amazon.com

Photo source: Amazon.com