Here's What "Green Purse Shoppers" Are Reading

Does your brand need to connect with "green purse shoppers?" You know, the ones that care about buying healthy, organic, sustainable, eco-friendly, and fair trade type of products? If you offer a natural or organic product, of course you need to connect with this group! But do you know what media and blogs your niche of consumers are reading? 

We have a lot of clients tell us they want to get exposure through some of the top tier, mass media outlets — magazines like Woman's Day, Real Simple or Food & Wine. While we love and work with those types of media too, we often recommend a more targeted media relations approach, including natural consumer media. 

Here's a look at some of our favorite consumer magazines and blogs in the USA that cater to the natural crowd. Are some of these outlets on your media list? Perhaps they should be!

When we handle local, regional, national or international media relations for a client, one of the first things we do is understand who the target consumers are and learn what media they are consuming. In addition to knowing the magazines, websites, blogs and social media that a group of consumers engage with, we also aim to get a total picture of what our audience's daily lives are like, as this helps us better craft a strategy and messaging that are likely to fit best into their lifestyles and routines. 

Want to see your products featured in titles like Mind Body Green and Natural Health? If building greater awareness amongst health-conscious female consumers is a priority for your brand, chat to us about planning and implementing a media relations program. We know the natural media well and are happy to explore creative ways to keep your products top-of-mind with key editors and bloggers, and ultimately get you the editorial coverage that can help move the needle on your business. 

Contact us by emailing me at lisa {at} greenpursepr {dot} com, or tweet to me at @LisaMabe.

- Lisa Mabe-Konstantopoulos, Founder, Green Purse PR